Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Yes, it's been awhile..


Hello there! It's been awhile since I blogged here but I have taken it up again.  There have been changes since I was last blogging. For instance, we have moved locations. We are no longer living in Salt Lake City. We decided to  this for a few reasons,  One reason is the air quality is never good and is not good for your health. Also, for financial reasons, we moved as well as our rent was expensive and Simon is the one who works now as an Uber driver and so it was hard to keep up with expenses. We have moved to my parents' home in a separate apartment. 

I am very grateful they have let us do this. I was working for the Grand American Hotel until mid-July.   I had worked there for 9 months, but customer service just wasn't for me. I am an introvert and talking on the phone just isn't me. I tried to do it though.  But you can only go so long against what you really are and who you really wish to be,  So what do I do now?

I make candles and soaps and lip balms and those kinds of things.  I really enjoy creating these things and have found that I can do it rather well as well. I also have gotten back to my joy of writing, which I have always loved to do.. I like to write mysteries and I have am trying my hand at writing a fantasy novel as well.  I have basically have decided, at least for the time being, to go back to the things I have loved, but for years have put off. 

My husband and I still plan to travel and enjoy doing that- it just may be longer till we have another grand adventure like Canyonlands.  Stay tuned for more.  I can talk about my creations I make ( I made some really nice gingerbread soaps and snowflakes for my sister in laws for Christmas). I can tell you about my writing progress as well.  As was said in the movie The Greatest Showman, " This is me!" and if what I write about interests,you- then fell free to follow this blog, 

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  Hello again!  Back to the blog I am,  The furnace in my house decided to not work but it will be sorted out tomorrow- till then its space ...